Liberty university clear bag policy

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Clear Bag Policy

Liberty Flames Clear Bag Policy

In an effort to enhance fan safety and expedite entrance to Liberty Athletics events, Liberty University has implemented a security screening process that includes a clear bag policy. This initiative limits the size and type of bags that can be brought in by fans. Only clear tote bags that do not exceed 12" x 6" x 12", or, one-gallon plastic freezer bags, are allowed into all home Liberty Athletics events. In addition, small handheld clutch purses no larger than 4.5" x 6.5" will be permitted. Spectators also will be able to carry other items allowed into the stadium such as medical bags, binoculars, cameras, smartphones and diaper bags (checked at the entrance).

Prohibited Items:

Clear Bag Policy FAQ

clear bag policy

Why did Liberty University adopt this policy?
Liberty University continues to review its policies to enhance public safety and improve efficiencies as it relates to all home athletics venues. The fan experience and the safety of our guests is a top priority of Liberty University. Limiting the size and style of bags carried into all home Liberty Athletics events will aid in maintaining a safe and secure environment, decrease the time waiting to enter the stadium, and improve the overall game-day experience. This measure will enhance safety both inside and outside of the stadium.
How does the new policy improve public safety?
A clear bag is easily and quickly searched, thus allowing staff to be more efficient and effective in checking bags that are brought into the stadium. This initiative also supports the Department of Homeland Security's "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign.
Are other Universities/Venues limiting bags?
Yes. In fact, some like the University of Michigan and Michigan State University have taken more far-reaching measures and do not permit any type of bags.
How does this expedite my entry into the venue?
This policy enables us to move fans through our security check points much faster. A standard size bag eliminates the need for bag templates to check bag sizes. It will make the stadium security team’s job much easier, allowing staff to be more efficient and effective in checking bags at point of entry. There will be less time spent standing in lines at the stadium gates and fans will be able to be in their seats well before the start of the contest.
How many bags can each person bring into the stadium?
Each ticketed guest can carry one large clear bag – either a one-gallon Ziploc-style bag or the 12” x 6” x 12” clear bag – plus a small clutch purse (4.5” x 6.5”). The small clutch must be carried into the venue outside the clear bag and is still subject to search.
What happens if I arrive to a home Liberty Athletics event and do not have a clear bag?
Fans carrying bags that do not meet the criteria will not be admitted to the venue. They may return their bag to their car belonging before entering the stadium.