FREE 7+ Business Registration Forms in PDF | MS Word | Excel

business registration forms

Before a business company can operate and serve their targeted customers, clients, or consumers, the company must first undergo a registration process. Specifically, business registration forms will have to be filled out and be submitted by the authorized representative or the owner of the company.


What Is a Business Registration Form?

Business Registration Form Sample

Types of Business Registration Forms

Business Change-Reopening Registration Form

Business Employer Registration Form

Business Name Registration Application Form

Fillable Business Registration Form

What Is a Fillable Business Registration Form?

Pesticide Business Registration Application Form

Supplier Business Registration Form

Simple Business Registration Form

Essential Contents of a Business Registration Form

Details of the registrant and the business owners

General information of the business

Declaration and certification statements

What Is a Business Registration Form?

A business registration form is a type of document that an agency or an organization will hand to a business owner or registrant in order to record relevant data and information about the business to the registered and the other intents of the registrant. Furthermore, the form is essential since the data disclosed in the form will be used for verifying the availability of the business’ name as well as for validating the claimed information of the registrant in lieu of establishing his business company.

Business Registration Form Sample

business registration form sample

File Format

Types of Business Registration Forms

Business Change-Reopening Registration Form – This type of business registration form is not only for registering a new business but also for changing a registered business’ tax entities and for reopening a business company. In the form, there are six sections to be completed by the registrant or the user of the form. The first section collects the general information of the business including its tax information and federal employer identification number. The primary location of the business and its mailing address will have to be disclosed in the second section while the names, addresses, social security numbers, and ownership percentages of the business’ partners and contributors will be the content of the third section.

Business Change-Reopening Registration Form

business change reopening registration form

File Format

Additionally, a business change-reopening registration form will also document the other addresses of the business company especially if it has accompanying branches in different locations. Then, the registrant must complete the fifth section which indicates a notice of confidentiality statement that he must sign along with the business company’s demographic information in the sixth section.

Business Employer Registration Form – The objective of a business employer registration form is to record the details of the business company and to inform the authorized agency or State organization who manages the registration about the intent of the company to hire employees in order to run the business. The form is comprised of three pages wherein the first page is allotted for collecting the essentials and particulars for the registration, while the second page enlists the instructions to be followed by the registrant, and the last page indicates the list of valid documents and identification cards accepted for the registration process.

Business Employer Registration Form

business employer registration form

File Format

Furthermore, the first page is composed of two sections. The first section is to be filled out by the employer or the registrant which must have the business company’s employment type, address, starting date of operation, as well as its contact information. On the other hand, the second section is to be completed by the State organization which is for indicating the assigned business code, the name of the person who screened and processed the registration, and the name of the reviewer or data controller.

Business Name Registration Application Form – If the intent of a registrant or business owner is to register his business company’s name, then the type of form that he must use is the business name registration application form. The pieces of data and information which will be collected in this type of registration form would include the tax identification number of the business owner and his basic information, the territorial scope of the business name, the list of the proposed business names, and other details of the business.

Business Name Registration Application Form

business name registration application form

File Format

Moreover, the partnering agencies and the planned number of employees to hire will also have to be disclosed in the form. And in order to complete the registration form, the registrant or the business owner must affix his signature in the allotted space below the information release consent statement along with the date of when he filed the form.

Fillable Business Registration Form

fillable business registration form

File Format

What Is a Fillable Business Registration Form?

A fillable business registration form is another type of document that organizations and agencies can use. The only difference that this type has as compared to the other aforementioned forms is that it can be filled out by the user or the registrant electronically. This form type is in a “.PDF” format or in an automated portable document file format. To make this form, the document-preparer of the organization must first create a business registration form in “.DOC” format, then convert the form into a fillable and automated “.PDF” format using an online converter or software application program.

Pesticide Business Registration Application Form

pesticide business registration application form

File Format

Supplier Business Registration Form

supplier business registration form

File Format

Simple Business Registration Form

simple business registration form

File Format

Essential Contents of a Business Registration Form

Regardless of the type or variety of business registration form that a registrant will be filling out and be submitting the authorized registration agency and organization, the form must have areas and sections for the following contents below:

Details of the registrant and the business owners

The names of the business owner, including the registrant or the registering person must be indicated in the form along with their federal employer identification numbers or social security numbers, and the type of entity or ownership that they have over the business to be registered.

General information of the business

The legal name of the business, its mailing address or office address, contact number, industry classification, State identification number are the types of information to disclose in this section as well as the description of the business’s operation, and the date of the opening or starting of the operation. In addition, the business’s tax identification number, royalty withholdings, and miscellaneous tax details will also be collected as part of the general information of the business.

Declaration and certification statements

The purpose of declaration and certification statements is to document or have a record that the registrant affirms and confirms the accuracy of every data or information that he is indicating the registration form.

Lastly, a business registration form should also include a business consent or a legal consent statement to be signed by the registrant. This consent statement is important because it serves as a proof that the registrant has legally agreed to allow the organization or the State agency to proceed and use the information in the form for the purpose of the registration.