Duke TIP has prepared a series of research-based hand-outs that explain the core issues affecting gifted education programs in America today. All of these hand-outs are concise, easy-to-understand, and backed by credible research. Use this information to advocate for your child or gifted program, and help us spread the word about the need for more fact-based approaches to gifted education policies.
Above-level tests are an important tool for assessing gifted students. They let educators and parents identify relative strengths as well as more accurately assess what material students have already learned. Download the PDF File for Above Grade Level Testing.
For decades, research has consistently shown that allowing students to accelerate academically in order to help match their learning environment with their learning needs can lead to numerous benefits for both the student and for society. Download the PDF File for Academic Acceleration.
High-achieving students have similar summer and school-year academic growth rates—indicating that they may not be receiving adequate challenge in school. Download the PDF File School versus summer growth.
Academically gifted programs should have selection criteria that match the skills needed to succeed in the program. Download the PDF File Selection Criteria.
Researchers estimate that large numbers of US students are not receiving the challenge they need. Download the PDF File underchallenged students.
Students do not have the same learning needs just because they are the same age, and that can create problems for teachers. PDF Handout Student Age and Learning Needs.
Check out this summary of twelve research-based facts on gifted education. PDF Handout Research Facts.
If you are looking for the sources of the facts used in these hand-outs, review them here.